Monday, May 26, 2008

What's that? I'm human?

Being human is finding and being ourselves, even when we feel like fish out of the water. In our society we are separated by who we associate with, the amount of money we have, and who we are individually. Finding a way to break away from society's expectations is one of the hardest things to for humans to accomplish. By breaking away from these norms we are able to experience love and wealth even when no one else agrees with the choices we make. The fish in the picture represents us as humans; frail, and sometimes incapable of ignoring our instinct to belong. The arrows represent judgment and assumptions passed upon individuals. The media has created a skin that is not easily achieved by most. The winding road represents the difficult journey of life in a society that is reluctant to accept people as they are.

1 comment:

Kerri Ann Thompson said...

morgan: I like the texture. Where are the literary influences? Thanks for the post.