Monday, May 26, 2008

The Essence of Being Human

Being human means feeling a variety of emotions and choosing the ways to act upon them. Love, Hate, Tranquility, and Jealousy are just some of the feelings that come naturally and as humans, it is our job to differentiate the way we feel and the way we act. The choices humans make define them; they can hate and make war, love and be with loved ones, sharing joy, peace and hope. This square shows the changes in mood, as the top left corner shows the strongest feelings of hatred, and the lower right corner represents the most peaceful and calm moods human beings are capable of. The colors in each of the collage items contain all the colors of the rainbow, much like the wide variety of human emotion and essence. This tile embodies how man is subject to a whole spectrum of emotions that make up the human psyche, and it is choices on whether to act upon each emotion that defines the human character.

1 comment:

Kerri Ann Thompson said...

Hannah: I like the shaping of your panel. What were the literary influences? Thanks for posting.