Monday, May 26, 2008

Enduring the Stage of Life

To be human means to follow your passions, doing what you like no matter what others around you might think. In other words, one must put themselves in front of everyone around them risking embarrassment, ridicule, and adversity in order to get the complete taste of life. While striving for your goal, no matter what it may be, humans must at some point face failure; this disappointment is also essential to life. Without disappointment, one can not fully enjoy victory. While life may seem like a stage surrounded by booing audience members, humans have to keep enduring the negatives, keeping their ultimate goal in mind. Learning from these disappointments is necessary to shaping one's character and outlook on life, but it is also necessary to be able to laugh at your mistakes and at your disappointments because life can not be taken too seriously. Life is much to short when compared to the eternity of the universe; so loosen up, endure the disappointments, experience something new everyday, and don't be afraid to fail. To be human means to live life to its fullest potential, and if that means everyone thinks you're a weirdo, than so be it.

1 comment:

Kerri Ann Thompson said...

Dear Robert: Interesting ideas. Thanks for the post.