Thursday, May 22, 2008

a choice and free will

In all the literature we have read this year, a common theme has been the choice to live as an individual. From Huck Finn to Siddhartha to Smith, these characters have chosen to live as they please and follow their own conscience no matter what society dictates. They realize that doing what they believe to be right is more important than aping societal norms. This definition and understanding of humanity extends far back in time, as even in the Judeo-Christian account of creation, Adam and Eve are granted the choice to follow God or do as they please. God surely knew that they would choose to disobey Him and so defile the world, but He gave them the gift of free will. Without the opportunity to choose our own path, we would be little more than puppets. For good or for ill, our ability to make our own decisions is an integral part of our humanity.

My square depicts Jane Eyre. I chose her as a representative of all the characters for her strong will, her intense awareness of and devotion to her conscience, and her progressive and determined sense of independence. She defies societal limitations on women, chooses to follow her conscience over both the influence of others and her own heart, and withstands emotional and physical trials with great strength and faith. She is an independent and powerful individual of conscience.

1 comment:

Kerri Ann Thompson said...

maya: great design and image of jane eyre. thanks for the post.