Saturday, May 24, 2008

Change and Acceptance of Change

To answer the question what it means to be human, I represented change by a theme of old Japan and modern Japan. though there aren't any images that signify old Japan, there is a traditional feeling in the flowers that are present throughout my panel. The modern Japan comes into play when I added the pictures of the gothic lolita trend that is popular in Tokyo which is a much more modern city than the rest of Japan. Finally, there is a butterfly that symbolizes the change.

My panel shows that being human means the never ending change that is experienced by everyone. Throughout history, new things are developed and new ideas are formed. Throughout the world, there are different cultures and different ways of doing things. Throughout our lives, we are growing and developing. Being human means that you accept theses differences in humans and these changes in our lives as inevitable.

A theme of change is prevalent in literature all the time. Some novelists choose to allow their character to go on a journey to experience a change or growth such as in Siddhartha, Huckleberry Finn and As I Lay Dying. All of the main characters in these books grow and change after going on a life changing journey. Though this is the most popular way for an author to show that their characters are changing, it isn't the only way. In King Lear, Lear changes because he learns about Goneril and Regan's betrayal. many novels use this theme because it is a part of human nature that many people can relate to.

1 comment:

Kerri Ann Thompson said...

Kristin: Great excerpt and panel. Thanks for the post.