Thursday, May 22, 2008

In Search Of'........

'You are not a human being in search of spiritual experience. You are a spiritual being immersed in human experience' Teilhard de Chardin.

What I think, it means to be human is to go through a myriad of emotions and feelings in order to reach your ultimate goal or in search of something greater, whether that be happiness (Right Symbol), enlightenment (Top Symbol), etc. The novel that inspired me to believe in this was Siddhartha, he was in search of a universal understanding of life, or Nirvana and he learned that enlightenment cannot be reached through teachers because it cannot be taught—enlightenment comes from within.
From the moment of birth every human being wants happiness and does not want suffering, however, Siddhartha knows that in order to achieve happiness you must go through all the emotions and feeling there are to experience. In the novel, Siddhartha goes through a lot of suffering and challenges in search of something greater, but he does not let it stop him. He has the strength to keep moving forward and not quit. All of this is represented in my panel. The Flower in the middle represents all the emotions and feeling that one can experience and that has to experience in order to reach that greater thing. This also means going through pain and suffering (Bottom Symbol) being able to have the strength (Left Symbol) to pull yourself together and never give up.


Jerry said...

ha u like making flowers

Kerri Ann Thompson said...

irving: very memorable. thanks.