Wednesday, May 28, 2008


In the journey of life, there are "problems" we find in society. Each one of these is personal and relative to each person. For example, people who are poor, struggle to eat and find places to live, while people who are rich may struggle to find meaning in anything because it can always be bought. The world is chaotic and problematic and as humans we will always find something that we are unsatisfied with, that is inevitable. The question is how we deal with our problems. The two paths we are given are capitulation or struggle. We can exist in a state of numbness (symbolized by the mood elevating pills) or just plain give up (the rope). If we choose a different path other than giving up, we can struggle. To be human is to deal with our surroundings and come to terms with the things we despise or torture us. The feat is, in my opinion, reached through knowledge and education (the lightbulb "brain" and books holding up the "rock" of life).

1 comment:

Kerri Ann Thompson said...

Nick: I am not surprised by your panel...but there is a lighter side to you that I wish would have been visible as well. What were your literature influences? Thanks for posting.