Friday, May 23, 2008

Seeing the world from other people's point of view

My square stands for wanting people to travel the world and understand other people's cultures and traditions without criticism. If more people could understand how other people lived I believe there wouldn't be as much fighting, war, and famine. I believe it's all just a miscommunication between people, and if humans just learned to share and get along, the world would be a better place. I believe that the only way you can be human is to understand other humans and try to relate to them as much as possible. So everyone, try to travel as much as possible and experience new things because it could really broaden your horizons and give you new insight on what it means to be human.
By: Crystal Ramirez

1 comment:

Kerri Ann Thompson said...

Crystal: I like the theme of panel. Where are the literary references? Thanks for post.