Friday, May 23, 2008

To Love, and Be Loved.

Many characters througout the history of literature have different meaning and purposes. But what every character (human) has in common is the simple fact of feeling. To be compassionate for others and to recieve compassion, is what I believe it means to be human. Like Boo Radley and Quasimodo, people view them as "monsters" but what they have in common is that they showed signs of pure, good feelings. And in response, they recieved the same compassionate feeling back. Every human being needs to give and recieve some sort of compassionate feeling because that proves that they do have a heart. These characters help prove that comapassion and a feeling of worth helps them and society view them as being human.

1 comment:

Kerri Ann Thompson said...

halla: nice job. thanks for the post.