Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Search for Spirituality

I think that the search for spirituality is inherent in being human. There is something about religion, faith, and the desire for higher understanding that drives people. For thousands of years, man has endured that same struggle to find a higher purpose, and the resilience of this thirst for spirituality over such a long time is telling of the fundamental drive in every human. There are infinite paths to finding the spiritual self. Organized religion and religious doctrine often are the inspiration and solace for this spiritual journey. Individuals can also seek peace internally. The search for spirituality need not be found in religion, but can also be found through the pursuit of reason, philosophy, literature, and art. There is an instinct in all humans to be constantly searching for knowledge and spiritual fulfillment that is not found in any other species on earth.

1 comment:

Kerri Ann Thompson said...

Nina: I like the theme of your panel. Thanks for your efforts.