Monday, May 26, 2008

Live, Laugh, Love

To be human is to live, laugh, and love. One might argue that plants and animals live, hyenas laugh, and pets love, and they are all not human beings. Each day, someone realizes that they have to live their life because it is too short to be spent worrying. People fully attempt to change themselves and to live their life to the fullest, to accomplish goals they’ve always wanted to reach, to take a risk and try something new, and to make their life as seemingly perfect and happy as possible. However, it’s the little imperfections in life that make everyone human.
As humans, we are emotional beings, capable of anger, rage, hatred, sadness, affection, and love. Laughter can spur happiness or it can cause one to cry, from too much laughter that is. When someone is rather stoic and does not laugh or smile, one would usually assume that person is not human because, well, it is human nature to laugh, smile, and express excitement, not just to keep a straight, stone cold face.
Some say that what truly separates human beings from the rest of the beings in the universe is a human’s ability to love. People simply do what they love. They study what they want in school so they can love their future career. Many play to sports they love because it brings them happiness. To be human is to do everything you love. To be human is to live to be imperfect, to laugh until you cry, and to love with everything within you and more.


Kerri Ann Thompson said...

Melissa: What were your literary influences? I love the colors on this panel Thanks for posting.

Kerri Ann Thompson said...

Melissa: What were your literary influences? I love the colors on this panel Thanks for posting.