Thursday, May 15, 2008


Once you get here, here is how you upload what you are supposed to do. A handout will be distributed during class.

1) After taking the picture of your patch, it will be saved, and sent to your GMail Account. CHECK YOUR EMAIL.
2) Download the attached picture and save it someplace on your computer
3) Go to http:// and sign in with your username and password
4) Click “New Post” under the “What is Human” blog once you are signed in
5) Give your blog entry a title.
6) In the post editor, click the “add image” icon. It is between the “spell check” and “add video” icons, in the toolbar above the text editing window
7) Add the image from your computer; click the “browse” button and find the image you downloaded. Open it, and click “UPLOAD IMAGE”.
8) Write your explanation of your work
9) Click “PUBLISH POST” when you are done

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