Monday, May 26, 2008

Life is a journey.

To be human, means to search for meaning in ones life and ultimately find who you are. The collage of words and phrases are qualities that one may try to achieve, such as charismatic or articulate, or things we all chase, such as freedom and love. In between are words that may block this path, such as struggles or turbulent times. In the middle, the pink abstraction serves as a symbol- a neuron. If one is familiar with Psychology or the ways our brain works, neurons carry impulses that transmit and relay messages throughout our body with neurotransmitters. When enough energy is present, a neuron experiences an "action potential" where the neurotransmitter jumps across the open space, the synapse, and attaches to the dendrites of the next neuron. Life, in many ways, is similar to a neurotransmitter. When enough happens in one's stage of life, they may move on to the next and hope to achieve whatever they set out to do. They may not, however, move on if enough "energy", satisfaction, happiness, or sense of achievement is present. That is why, in the middle, it says "life is a journey."

1 comment:

Kerri Ann Thompson said...

Monika: Interesting interpretation. Where are literary influences? Thanks for post.