One of the many meaning to what is is to be human is to find infinite beauty in the smallest things. One the abilities that we have as humans is not only finding beauty in man made materials that we can explain and that were made for our self improving purposes but to find beauty in the things that were not man made, the things we cannot explain. How is it that humans can now obtain the power of flight if it was not for that person who not only saw the flight of a bird but found infinite beauty in the flight of that bird? How is it that humans now can take beautiful pictures if it was not for that one person who not only saw something wonderful but found infinite beauty in that something that gave him the passion to preserve if forever in a picture? It is the power to find beauty in the impossible and turn it into the possible. It is the ability to take something so little such as a butterfly or a flower and find infinite beauty inside it, to have this sense of inspiration and know that it is not only not only a butterfly but something much more, something with a potential. It is to be internally drawn to something so that you want to create it into much something much bigger. Someone could see a flower and paint a picture of it and someone could hear the song of a bird and write a song based on it. Another gift that humans have is free will. Humans can choose what can inspire them or not. Even though it may be something small, to that person, they can see something much more grand and here is where infinite comes in. A person can see something and make it bigger and from that new creation, another may become inspired and create something greater and from that greater creation, someone else may become inspired and create something even bigger. It is a chain reaction and it never ends because people are inspired to make things bigger and better for the benefit of humanity and like nature, humanity itself is everchanging. One small thing can inspire a whole chain of new ideas and new things into infinity. A small seed will become a large tree which will sprout fruit which will drop more seeds and begin the cycle anew. It is the action of one idea spreading and evolving into many more. It is not just only looking at a rock or a seed and just seeing a rock or seed but finding infinite beauty in it. That is the way humanity has grown, learned, understood, and become much greater throughout time.
1 comment:
nicole: nice job. thanks for your post.
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